General Equilibrium Theory: An Introduction presents the mathematical economic theory of price determination and resource allocation from elementary to advanced levels, suitable for advanced ...
Merton, Robert C. "A Dynamic General Equilibrium Model of the Asset Market and Its Application to the Pricing of the Capital Structure of the Firm." Sloan School of Management Working Paper, No.
The Nobel committee cited the work of Arrow and British economist John Hicks in two areas: general equilibrium theory, which seeks to explain how prices are set across an economy, and welfare theory, ...
multi-period general equilibrium model to assess the emissions, energy mix, and economic impacts of a series of options for the future development of this policy. These included cap-setting, benchmark ...
The study highlights conflicting estimates in the existing literature depicting a potential decline in India’s exports to the ...
Model Economy Toolkit for "Dynamic Spatial General Equilibrium" (Benny Kleinman, Ernest Liu and Stephen Redding), Econometrica, 91(2), 385-424, 2023. [Model Economy Toolkit] Data and Code for "Dynamic ...
Economic and Environmental Impacts of China’s New Nationwide CO2 Emissions Trading System describes the results from a multi-sector multi-period general equilibrium model designed to assess the ...