All major water sources in Serbia are under attack or at risk due to government construction projects, mining ventures ...
Funds initially allocated in the 2024 budget for other infrastructure projects, totalling 2,853,000,000 dinars, will now be ...
Ten days after the Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić announced that the United States would impose sanctions on Petroleum ...
The Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia (RZS) announced that, according to the results of the 2022 Salary Structure ...
Despite almost daily mass protests, institutional blockades, and university closures across the country since 1 November - ...
The renowned Italian guitar quartet 40 Fingers is returning to the MTS Dvorana a little over a year since their last ...
L'Ambasciatore degli Stati Uniti in Serbia, Christopher Hill, ha dichiarato che non vi sono annunci ufficiali sulle sanzioni ...
Secondo l’Ufficio Statistico della Repubblica e l’Indagine sulla struttura delle retribuzioni per il 2022, la retribuzione ...
A joint protest of students, farmers, actors, and citizens was held on Sunday at Slavija Square in Belgrade. At approximately ...
La festa più gioiosa sarà celebrata con il "Concerto di Natale", che si terrà il 7 gennaio alle ore 12:00 nella Grande Sala ...
The happiest holiday of the year will once again be marked by the Christmas Concert, which will take place on 7 January at 12 ...
Nonostante le proteste di massa quasi quotidiane, i blocchi istituzionali e la chiusura delle università in tutto il Paese ...