Pourazar has spent the past three decades mastering Peking Opera, establishing himself as a rare foreign performer excelling in this traditional Chinese art, and earning the nickname "Western Monkey ...
An exhibition featuring lifestyle aesthetics of the Song Dynasty (960-1279) was staged at Changzhou Art Museum. A group of foreigners visited the museum on Friday to experience Chinese culture.
Caviar,aluxurybrandbasedinDubai,recentlyunveiledaseriesofHuaweismartphonesinspiredbyChinesecultureandhistory.Thecollection,na ...
On Nov 12, she dropped two new videos, igniting a firestorm of excitement across social media platforms. In one of the videos, she introduces a unique form of traditional Chinese craftsmanship—lacquer ...
BEIJING, Dec. 19 (Xinhua) — China's National Cultural Heritage Administration has issued a circular to promote Spring Festival-themed exhibitions and activities in museums as the Year of the Snake ...
Mazu, the goddess who protects sailors, has weathered many storms and witnessed the development and transformation of Macao.
Did you spend 2024 as a “beast of burden” or embracing your destiny as the “Greek god of sleep”? Unsure what we’re talking ...
美国弗利尔美术馆收藏的两幅《洛神赋图》,均为九大传世古本之一。其中弗利尔甲本为着色本,乙本为白描本。弗利尔甲本为着色本弗利尔乙本为白描本《洛神赋图》东晋顾恺之的作品,传世的宋代摹本,除了北京故宫的北京甲乙丙三本,还有辽宁本,台北甲本等。来自美国弗利尔 ...
The Chinese lion dance is widely cherished in Macao, especially following the city's return to the motherland when the SAR ...
The 10th International Awards for Art Criticism (IAAC) recently announced its winners at the Shanghai Jiushi Art Museum.
口技作为国家级非物质文化遗产之一,距今已有千年的传承历史。在上古时期,人们通过模仿各种动物的声音来骗取猎物,获得食物,口技作为狩猎技巧出现;自宋代开始,口技逐渐演化成了一门成熟的表演艺术。清代文学家林嗣环曾在《口技》一文中记载:“京中有善口技者”“满 ...