Within minutes of fertilization, the egg of a fruit fly becomes a scene from the battle of the sexes. The egg attacks and ...
A newly published review in eGastroenterology compiles recent research on alcohol-associated liver disease (ALD), offering an overview of its pathogenesis and efforts to better understand this ...
Analysis of genome-wide spatial transcriptomics data reveals cell-type specific subcellular RNA localization, and a subset of genes show significantly high correlation between spatial patterning and 3 ...
Correspondence to Dr Jun Yu, Institute of Digestive Disease and The Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, Chinese University of Hong Kong, New Territories, Hong Kong; junyu{at}cuhk.edu.hk The gut ...
The cancer microenvironment, or tumour microenvironment, describes the non-cancerous cells present in the tumour. These include fibroblasts, immune cells and cells that comprise the blood vessels ...