A study group of Serbian youth immersed themselves in traditional Chinese culture during a two-day tour in Cangzhou City, north China's Hebei Province.
Recently, our host Arina Yakupova graduated from the beginner level of the Chinese language program organized by CNS. She is excited to share her skills with you. If you are interested in joining this ...
当“老夫子”的坐下围着一群“洋”学生会是一种怎样的既视感?12月14日,伴随着冬日暖阳,12名来自世界各地的留学生来到了乐陵这座文化古邑,走进乐陵影视城和文化中心,开始了一场穿越千年的中外文化对话。 When"Old Master" sits down around a group of "foreign" students, what kind of sense of sight does it ...