Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 is a federal law which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in federally funded education programs and activities. Title IX provides, “No person in ...
The NYCDOE is committed to maintaining a safe and supportive learning environment that is free from harassment, intimidation and/or bullying, sexual harassment, and ...
Goodbye, 2024—it's been real. We've just about made it to January 2025, the time of the year when we spend our days recovering from December's holiday festivities while also trying to honor the New ...
Anita Garcia is the retired principal of PS 329. She started her career as an English teacher at IS 293 then Mark Twain’s School for the Gifted and Talented. After becoming a Guidance Counselor in D21 ...
Local Law 12 of 2023 requires NYC agencies to develop and implement a five-year accessibility plan. This plan describes current and future efforts to address accessibility related issues for ...
Bilingual Pupil Services (BPS) prepares and trains bilingual paraprofessionals in pursuit of a teaching career to support and serve English Language/ Multilingual Learners (ELLs/MLLs) in Title I ...