Pourazar has spent the past three decades mastering Peking Opera, establishing himself as a rare foreign performer excelling in this traditional Chinese art, and earning the nickname "Western Monkey ...
On Nov 12, she dropped two new videos, igniting a firestorm of excitement across social media platforms. In one of the videos, she introduces a unique form of traditional Chinese craftsmanship—lacquer ...
Caviar,aluxurybrandbasedinDubai,recentlyunveiledaseriesofHuaweismartphonesinspiredbyChinesecultureandhistory.Thecollection,na ...
Dance lovers can also find their dish in the Art Center's New Year celebration menu. Led by choreographer and director Marcos ...
The main event of the night will be British boxer Ellie Bouttell, signed to Shanghai’s own M23 Boxing Club, as she fights for ...
Parks, tourist attractions and malls across the city are ready for the year-end and New Year celebrations. From exhibitions ...
BEIJING, Dec. 19 (Xinhua) — China's National Cultural Heritage Administration has issued a circular to promote Spring Festival-themed exhibitions and activities in museums as the Year of the Snake ...
An exhibition featuring lifestyle aesthetics of the Song Dynasty (960-1279) was staged at Changzhou Art Museum. A group of foreigners visited the museum on Friday to experience Chinese culture.
The performance runs just one night, Sunday December 29, and we have tickets on sale on T+ Tickets from RMB168-408. A Russian ...
Rambling around the Dongshankou (东山口) historic block in Yuexiu district of Guangzhou, you may encounter a number of buildings ...
近日,MAD建筑事务所公布其在2024年广东南海大地艺术节的新作“无忧屋”(The Never Nut)的建成细节。该艺术节的核心理念是“鼓励童年幻想,加强社区联系,将历史悠久的游乐场重新想象成一个充满活力的聚会空间”。项目位于佛山市南海区烟南村,村落建于明朝,至今已有600多年历史,村内保存了大量清代古建筑群,规划严整,河涌交错,绿树成荫。场地曾为一所小学的操场,对当地社区具有深远的意义。
写书法、吃番薯干、“学”中文……这天,斯里兰卡媒体团到广州花都塱头村参观,和村民“打”成一片,其乐融融,中外交流在这一刻打开了新局面。Writing calligraphy, eating dried sweet potatoes, learning ...