BEIJING: For Terd Disayathanoowat, a 39-year-old researcher from Chiang Mai Province in northern Thailand, Yunnan is the one ...
自今年6月正式投入运行以来,功果桥镇中心敬老院持续受到社会各界爱心人士的广泛关注。近日,一场传递着社会关爱、弘扬尊老敬老传统美德的爱心活动在这里温情开展,不仅丰富了老人们的日常生活,更为他们带去了欢乐与陪伴 ...
Svetlana Dali made the attempt after cutting off an ankle monitor that she had been given to wear after the earlier offence, US media reported. A New York court mandated that she wear the monitor ...